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[ACC2009]Norman Kaplan 教授与王继光教授对话高血压治疗
 作者未知 编辑:张家程 时间:2009/4/20 17:30:00    加入收藏

International Circulation: What do you think some of the important topics or hot topics could be here at ACC? Or presently, here in hypertension are right now? 《国际循环》:您认为这次ACC年会有什么样的热点话题?或者目前在高血压方面有什么热点吗? Prof. Norman Kaplan: Well, I think everyone is obviously most concerned with about how we treat hypertension. There are a number of clinical trials that are being discussed at this meeting and a number of others that have been recently published. And, I think, what we are increasingly aware of is the need to use at least two, and sometimes more, different medications to treat hypertension. I think there is awareness that one medication is usually not adequate. So, we are beginning to see a number of trials where they’ve combine two particularly effective medications to compare one against the other. One of the things we have learned is that there is a need for a diuretic. I recently saw a paper from China in which they looked at salt sensitivity in a number of Chinese people and noted that there was a very high prevalence of being sensitive to the effects of sodium, and for that reason I think a diuretic will probably be an important part of the treatment of most people in China with the hypertension.

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